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Types of Schools
school gakkou
elementary school shougakkou
middle school chuugaku
highschool koukou/koutougakkou
kindergarten youchien
private school shiritsu gakkou
technical school shokugyou gakkou
evening school yagaku
cram school juku
university daigaku


Classroom Items
eraser keshigomu
chalkboard kokuban
chalkboard eraser kokubankeshi
chalk chooku
pencil enpitsu
pen pen
map chizu
book hon
bookcase hondana
dictionary jisho
encyclopedia hyakkajiten
ruler jougi
school bag tsuugaku kaban
paper kami
desk tsukue
chair isu
pencil sharpener enpitsukezuri
textbook kyoukasho
notebook choumen
assignment book shukudai chou
homework/assignment shukudai
test shiken
computer konpyuutaa


Parts of a School
classroom kyoushitsu
gym taiikukan
hallway rouka
lab jikkenshitsu
library toshokan / toshoshitsu
main office jimushitsu
professor's office kenkyuushitsu
playground/school yard koutei
dorm room ryou
bathroom/toilet room toire


People in School
student gakusei/seito
teacher kyoushi
teacher (form of address) sensei
principal kouchou - sensei
vice principal kyouto - sensei
classmate kyuuyuu
schoolmate gakuyuu
librarian toshokanin
janitor youmuin
professor kyouju
university president gakuchou
transfer student tenkousei
senior (elder) student senpai
first year student ichinensei
second year student ninensei
third year student sannensei
fourth year student yonensei

You will notice that many of the school subjects end in gaku. Gaku means "study of" in this case and is similar to the "ology" that is attached to some English subjects.

accounting kaikeigaku
algebra daisuugaku
anatomy kaibougaku
anthropology jinruigaku
archeology koukogaku
architecture kenchikugaku
art bijutsu
astronomy tenmongaku
biology seibutsugaku
botany shokubutsugaku
calculus bisekibungaku
chemistry kagaku
economics keizai
engineering kougaku
foreign language gaikokugo
geography chiri


geometry kikagaku
history rekishi


literature bungaku
math suugaku
medicine igaku
music ongaku
philosophy tetsugaku
physics butsurigaku
psychology seirigaku
science kagaku
sociology shakaigaku
statistics toukeigaku
trigonometry sankakuhou
zoology doubutsugaku


Other School Vocab
major (area of study) senkou
to graduate sotsugyou suru
Golden Week goruden uiku
winter vacation fuyu yasumi
summer vacation natsu yasumi
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